With you on track
Our customers are interested in technologically innovative monitoirng solutions- and systems for rail and vehicles. INNOtec Systems GmbH has been able to develop customized solutions of the highest quality to build and deliver from a single source. This will require intensive instruction and training of users and managers to use the information gained profitable and in a targeted manner:
Training courses are offered for the following systems:
Laser-assisted, certified test system for monitoring the actual traffic to 400km / h
Noise monitoring, air -and-borne noise detection and monitoring of the actual traffic
Identification of railway wagons with optical number recognition as the basis for a wagon accurate noise emission.
Das Eisenbahnwesen ist in seiner Komplexität und Einmaligkeit unübertroffen. Das schienengebundene Verkehrssystem lebt von seinen Komponenten und ihrem reibungslosen Zusammenspiel. Fahrzeuge, Bahnanlagen und Bahnbetrieb sind die drei Player, die prosperierend miteinander wirken müssen.
Welche Anforderungen werden heute an dieses System gestellt? Welche Abhängigkeiten bestehen zwischen Fahrzeugen, Bahnanlagen und Bahnbetrieb? Diese und andere Aspekte vertiefende Themen greifen wir in Seminaren auf:
Training courses are offered for the following systems:
The superstructure or track body of a railway line consists of the roadbed and track mounted thereon. The base forms a solid template for the construction of the superstructure in which he compensates for irregularities of the terrain.
The superstructure and in particular the roadbed serve the uptake and distribution of the forces generated by mass, acceleration, sinusoidal running, speed of rail vehicles and thermal stresses due to weather.
From the functional capability of the superstructure and substructure depend, among other things, the maximum permissible speed of a track and the permissible axle load of the vehicles. So-called defects in the superstructure must be set up for safety speed restrictions that affect adversely on the travel times of trains and thus lead to delays.
- Cost-affecting parameters of the ballasted track.
- Influence the wheel-rail contact geometry.
- Assessment criteria and parameters for the vehicle-track dynamics.
- Dynamic loading of the track by vehicles.
- Out of round wheel units and their consequences for the superstructure.
- Physical processes in the track superstructure and properties.
- Maintenance work on the superstructure.
- Causes of typical track problems and damage.
According to a study caused by friction and wear in Germany an annual loss of about 40 billion euros. In rail transport, but the wheel-rail wear caused about 30% of maintenance costs. One way to reduce the wear is to condition-based maintenance of railway vehicles.
- Functions of the wheel-rail contact.
- Influence of wheel-rail contact on dynamics and wear of a wheelset.
- Contact geomentrie wheelset-track.
- Interaction of excitation of the wheel on the rail and the rail on the wheel
- Consequences of spalling, defective bearings, frequencies, lateral forces applied flanges, canted bogies and load shifts in bogies.
- Consequences of non-processed welded joints, misalignment of the rail, different heights of the right and left side of the rail.
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Using a calculation model based on Excel the profitability of LASCA®- mobile dynamic high speed laser measurement system for the measurement of flat spots and roundness of railway wheels - can be calculated .
The data allows the creation of a business case and what-if analysis on the basis of its own fleet composition and the rail network. The findings allow statements about the future profitability, reduce costs and improve efficiency of maintenance through the use of the monitoring system LASCAa®.
We are happy to assist you in the preparation of feasibility studies or provide you with the tool.
Informationen about the trainings you receive under:
Hotline: Mo-Fr. 08:30-17:00 Uhr
Tel: +49 6735 9417590
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.